Upper School Students Lead Family Conferences

Andres David Lopez
Today in our Upper School, students led conferences with their families. Because she gave us a thoughtful interview about math in fifth grade yesterday, we recruited Sam and her family to share about their conference with Bea.

Sam loves school. She is an attentive student and works hard. Bea noted how she always has thoughtful things to say about class material and that she is a joy to teach. 

Sam shared with her parents about her story in the class newspaper, her sketchbook full of geography maps, her math assessments, and her responses to reading “Harbor Me” by Jacqueline Woodson.

She likes big projects and is looking forward to her next writing assignment from Bea to craft an original hero's journey also known as a quest story. She has grown in her writing, revising, and editing this year.

“Sam is a phenomenal writer,” Bea said. “My challenge is to help get her to the next level."

Inie, Sam’s mother, called MCS singular. 

“We really thought it was special because of its progressive curriculum and the emphasis on activism,” Inie said. “But really it’s also just an excellent school for someone who loves the academic side of school as well. We found that with Sam.”
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