Admissions FAQs

The following are common questions prospective families have about Manhattan Country School's application process.

A unique question?

  • Children must be 4 by September 1 to be considered for the 4-5s program.
    Children must be 5 by September 1 to be considered for the 5-6s program
    Children must be 6 by September 1 to be considered for the 6-7s program.
    We do not have age requirements for children applying to the 7-8s through 8th grade, however, they must have successfully completed the prior grade.

    The way we look at our 4-5s program is that it is the foundation for a 10 year curriculum at MCS, and while some students may have been in a pre-K program, we do not consider their starting in the 4-5s at MCS as “repeating.”  At MCS, our 4-5s are engaging in identity work, concepts of equity, and community building which are all core values of the school and are woven into different aspects of learning. Our 4-5s begin to explore these themes in age appropriate ways and begin applying their learning to some of these more abstract concepts as they root themselves as members of their community - both in school and out. This is part of the foundation of our social justice and activism curriculum and deepens the academic learning and experiences of our students.

  • Please note that our birthday cut off is September 1. If your child turns 4 after October 31, we are not able to consider them for admission for the current admission cycle and invite you to reapply the following year; if your child turns 5 after November 1, we will consider them solely for the 4-5s program.

    At MCS, we have mixed-age groups which cover approximately an 18 month age span in the classrooms. The 4-5s (Pre-K) classroom includes children who are between 4  to 5.6 years of age; the 5-6s (Kindergarten) classroom includes children who are between 5  to 6.6 years of age. 

  • Our deadline for applications is December 2.

    Sliding Scale Tuition Applications are due by December 2.

    Supplementary materials such as:

    • Confidential Reports (4-5s through 6-7s)

    • Teacher Recommendations (7-8s and up)

    • School Reports (6-7s and up)

    • Student work samples (5th-8th grades) are due no later than January 9.

    • Interviews need to be completed by January 24.

  • MCS intentionally designed a pre-k to eighth grade school because of the demonstrated benefits this model has for academic growth and challenge, and emotional well-being in children. Children have the chance to be leaders, while also being children for a little while longer before the transition to high school. The pre-k to eighth grade model also allows greater coordination and cooperation amongst teachers across grade levels and increases parent involvement. 

    Responsibilities grow as students advance through the Upper School (Fifth through Eighth Grade). Leadership examples include the 9-10s serving as Reading Buddies to children in the 6-7s; our seventh graders taking a Child Development class and observing the 4-5s; and eighth graders serving as Admissions Ambassadors on school tours. Our oldest students are empowered and enthusiastic role models for the entire student body. They best demonstrate what it means to value and encourage each other, developing rewarding relationships across age groups, based on trust and mutual reliance. Our eighth graders truly discover who they are as learners and what kind of academic environment would best serve them in high school. MCS eighth graders gain admission to highly selective high schools.

    The following articles highlight the benefits of this educational model. 
    NYU Study
    The Fordham Institute
    NPR Education

  • As a member of the Independent Schools Admissions Association of Greater New York (ISAAGNY), we adhere to their notification deadlines. Please see below:

    Notification and Reply Dates 2024

    For applications with all elements completed by January 11, 2024


    • Notification Mailing: Not before Thursday, Feb. 27

    • Parent Reply Deadline: No later than noon Thursday, March 6


    • Notification Mailing: Not before Thursday, Feb. 6

    • Parent Reply Deadline: No later than noon on Thursday, Feb. 13

    Grades 1-8

    • Notification Mailing: Not before Tuesday, Feb. 13

    • Parent Reply Deadline: No later than noon on Monday, March 3

    Legacy & Sibling Early Notification Dates (Optional; Pre-K & Kindergarten only)

    Please note that schools cannot require parents to opt for the Early Notification program before November 15. School reports for Early Notification consideration must be completed by sending schools and submitted to receiving schools by December 1.

    Pre-K & Kindergarten

    • Notification Mailing: Not before Friday, Dec. 6

    • Parent Reply Deadline: No later than noon on Friday, Dec. 13

  • Sibling, legacy, and staff applications are given special consideration but are not automatically accepted. As in all cases, we want to be mindful of each child's potential for growth and success in our program and, as such, we consider each child individually.

  • MCS does not require standardized testing as part of the admissions process.

  • Afterschool is available Monday through Friday until 5:30 p.m. MCS offers a wealth of classes that change session to session. Past classes have included Sewing, Basketball, Lego Robotics, Baking and African Drumming.

    Emergency Afterschool is available to accommodate last minute changes in families' schedules.

  • MCS eighth graders are accepted to highly selective public, independent, and boarding schools. For a more extensive list, and to view the colleges our graduates have attended, please see High School Placement.

  • MCS uses homework to extend a child’s intellectual life outside of the school day to help synthesize knowledge and build strong organizational and time-management skills. Homework is also an opportunity for students and their caregivers to connect around topics studied in school.

    Starting in the 6-7s, children begin receiving once a week homework assignments. Homework is gradually increased as the children get older. Upper School students (5th - 8th grades) tackle long-term assignments and complete an hour to an hour and a half of homework each night.

Sliding Scale FAQs

  • October 1 -    Application opens

    November 26 - Application deadline for current families 

    December 2 -   Application deadline for new families 

    You will need to submit a Clarity® application each year in order to qualify for our Sliding Scale Program. However, Clarity® retains your information from previous applications, so it will be even easier to re-apply.

  • Click here to access or create your Clarity® account.

    If you have questions about your Clarity® application please contact them directly via email or phone at 206-210-3752.

  • MCS takes into account information for both custodial and non-custodial parents/guardians, who must complete the sliding scale tuition application and provide required documents. MCS cannot be bound by the claim that one parent has no responsibility for educational expenses.

    Separated or divorced parents/guardians or parents who have never married retain the obligation to contribute to the educational expenses of their children, whether or not there is a legal agreement between them to do otherwise. If there is a claim of non-involvement in a child’s life and, thus, exemption from financial responsibility, MCS may require documentation by the custodial parent.

    In the case that yours is a verifiable single-parent household, you will have the opportunity to share this information on your application via Clarity.

    This policy is standard in many other schools and colleges.

  • As a matter of equity, MCS believes that each family should contribute to their child's education and the community proportionally, as a reflection of their commitment to their child's education. As such, MCS is not able to subsidize a parent or guardian's choice not to be employed. If there are circumstances that preclude a parent or guardian from working outside of the home, such as caring for young children or prevailing medical reasons, please make note of this on the sliding scale tuition application.

  • MCS does not have the resources to subsidize a parent’s voluntary reduction of income, i.e., voluntarily terminating employment or becoming self-employed and expecting reductions in tuition contributions. We assume that a parent who is enrolled in graduate school will continue to earn income and/or will fund their education without significantly impacting their resources.

  • It is not a given that the custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) are the primary providers for the tuition. If the responsibility for tuition payments lie with a third party, please contact Ingrid Gomez, Director of Admissions and Enrollment, to discuss the best way to share this information on the application.

  • Enrollment in Blackbaud Tuition Management™ management is required. Families choose their method of payment annually when student contracts are issued.

    OPTION A - Payment in full

    25% Enrollment Deposit on return of signed contract.

    100% of the tuition (less enrollment deposit) paid on or before July 1

    OPTION B – 2 Payment Plan

    25% Enrollment Deposit on return of signed contract.

    50% of the tuition (less enrollment deposit) due by June 1

    50% tuition due by November 1

    OPTION C – 4 Payment Plan 

    25% Enrollment Deposit on return of signed contract.

    25% of the tuition (less enrollment deposit) on or before April 1, July 1, September 1, and February 1

    OPTION D – 12 Payment Plan

    25% Enrollment Deposit on return of signed contract.

    A twelve-month schedule of payments running from May 1 to April 1

    • A late fee of $40 will be automatically charged if payment is not made by the fifth day of the month when tuition is due.

    • An ACH fail fee of $30 will be automatically charged if payment is attempted and funds are not available.

    • A 3% credit card fee is automatically charged if you choose this payment method.

    • There is a $500 late re-enrollment fee for contracts submitted past the deadline, and a $1,000 late re-enrollment fee if the contract is submitted after March 31.

    • Our Afterschool Program is NOT included in the tuition fee.

    • Afterschool classes cost around $50 per day and covers a daily snack and two hours of programming. Please note that this amount is subject to change.

    • The Afterschool schedule begins at dismissal and ends between 5:30 - 6 p.m.

  • Sibling discounts are calculated automatically in your Sliding Scale Application via Clarity, and will be reflected in your individualized tuition fee.