Portfolio Panels

Students in the 7th and 8th grade collect examples of their best work throughout the school year for their portfolio. They write reflections for each assignment, highlighting areas of growth and taking pride in their work. Then, in preparation for graduation, 8th graders prepare to present in front of a portfolio panel, where they reflect on their work, interests, and growth during their time at MCS. Their presentation is based on the following questions:
  • What is an assignment you are proud of? (i.e., a project you love, a piece of work that shows a strength or amazing work, something you enjoyed completing)
  • What is an assignment that demonstrates growth or overcoming a challenge? Ideally, you would also share another assignment from earlier in the year or a previous year that would show this growth. (i.e., something that pushed you out of your comfort zone analytically or personally)
  • What is an assignment that reflects/connects to your identity? (Who are you and what have you come to understand about yourself? You might choose a piece of work that shows how the mission of MCS is important to you.)
At the panel, they present to the Upper School Director, their advisor, 7th graders from their advisement, and other staff members. After the presentation, the panel offers feedback about their presentation and asks questions about what shaped them during their time at MCS. The process gives 8th graders an opportunity to share their deepest moments of learning and the ways they have stretched themselves, as well as celebrate their many talents and strengths.
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