
At MCS, we believe that a library is about books, fostering curiosity, finding and using information, and expanding thought about issues such as diversity, empathy, agency, identity, and our environment. All LS students have weekly library classes. The library is a central hub for students to read quietly, develop and hone research skills, engage in literary activities, and come together as a class. We support the many varied aspects of MCS’s mission and curriculum while fostering a love of reading and stories.
Our librarian curates the collection thoughtfully to reflect the diversity of our students, teachers & staff, and families, as well as the changing world around us. Working together and collaborating with classroom teachers and other specialists to explore and better understand the many social, cultural, and academic differences and commonalities that confront in their lives, the library is a resource for the entire community.
It is the vision of the library to offer every student and community member the opportunity to see themselves and others through the “mirrors and windows and sliding glass doors” of, not only books, but by giving access to information that can inspire and celebrate a myriad of perspectives, individuals, and groups. It is crucial to our students as they grow into active global citizens that they engage in a broader understanding of the world.
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