Eighth Grader Spotlight: Phoebe

Andres David Lopez
We’re proud of our eighth graders for navigating the high school admissions process and we’re going to start sharing stories.

Phoebe, who has been at MCS since the 4-5s, asked Nassim, our seventh- and eighth-grade history teacher, to stand next to her when she opened her high school match email. They found out together that she received an offer from Food and Finance High School.

As NYC’s only culinary-focused public high school, Food and Finance High School provides a unique educational opportunity to students and families in the community.

“Students learn the true reward of hard work, dependability and time management from a staff of acclaimed chefs, educators and business leaders that oversee their curriculum, field trips, and internships,” according to its website.

“I screamed a bit,” Phoebe said. “I called my parents and told them. They were super excited, emotional. It was pretty great. And I went and told Tom. Tom gave me a big hug. And my friends, they were very excited as well … I felt supported by my teachers. My teachers are some of the biggest cheerleaders I’ve ever had. So, I felt it was special to open [the high school placement email] with them.”
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